CAP-IT FCCC Informatics Core

Eric Ross, PhD
Director, Biostatistics and Informatics


The Informatics Core (IC) is led by Dr. Eric Ross, with the goal facilitating and enhancing precision cancer research within the FCCC CAP-IT Center. The IC provides expert biostatistics, bioinformatics, and data management support to CAP-IT investigators. The IC is supported by the FCCC Risk Assessment Program.




  • Provide expertise in the design of experiments and studies;

  • Perform statistical and bioinformatics;

  • Assist with the writing of statistical and bioinformatics components of manuscripts and the interpretation and presentation of results;

  • Provide computer-based tools to facilitate the storage and retrieval of data;

  • Collaborate with the CAP-IT DRCC to populate a centralized CAP-IT database;

  • Perform bioinformatics analyses of molecular data to validate candidate pathways/targets.