CAP-IT Data and Resource Coordination Center (DRCC)

The CAP-IT Data and Resource Coordination Center (DRCC/U24) functions as the Program’s centralized data management and network activity coordination center.

The CAP-IT DRCC strives to enhance the productivity of CAP-IT investigators by fostering a collaborative and synergistic research community, accelerate the progress of CAP- IT research by reducing barriers to accessing analytics expertise, ensure the reproducibility of CAP-IT data by deploying best practices for data acquisition and harmonization, and unleash the full potential of CAP-IT activities by developing enhanced tools to enable resource sharing to the broader scientific community.


1: Administrative and outreach support to coordinate network activities, facilitate network collaboration, and engage in interaction with the broader community.

2: Workflows to ensure that all data generated by the CAP-IT will be harmonized using standards interoperable with the broader cancer data ecosystem, analysis tools and database to integrate CAP-IT data and facilitate cross-study analysis, and multidisciplinary analytics supports to accelerate CAP-IT research progress.

3: Polices and infrastructures to ensure that all resources generated by the CAP-IT will be findable in a centralized virtual information hub, and that all resources will be shared with the broader scientific community.

The Principal Investigators of CAP-IT DRCC are Drs. Alan Hutson and Song Liu.

Alan Hutson, PhD
Chair, Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Song Liu, PhD
Vice Chair, Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

Dr. Hutson also serves as the CAP-IT Steering Committee Co-Chair and the Chair of CAP-IT Informatics Working Group.